I was asked to be one of six soloists for Rob Gardner’s “The Lamb of God.” I performed a song where Thomas from the bible learns patience and faith. I have never been SO…Continue Reading
Actor • Singer • Mover
I was asked to be one of six soloists for Rob Gardner’s “The Lamb of God.” I performed a song where Thomas from the bible learns patience and faith. I have never been SO…Continue Reading
Probably the most fun I’ve had doing a show…EVER. Such a GREAT group of people. Especially Nigel West, Lauren Kadel and Ben Liebert. Everyone talks about how this business is…Continue Reading
Because of my involvement in Seth’s Disaster benefit, he invited me back to be in one of his “Obsessed” vlogs with Keala Settle, who I performed with way back in the 90’s in a Las Vegas production of…Continue Reading
A couple days after the benefit concert, Voice for the Voiceless, Seth had us come to the SiriusXM studio to be on his radio talk show. These recordings are from that trip. Just a couple quick glimpses of me, but I’m the high tenor in both videos. Neat experience to be able to perform on Seth’s channel.
Well I made it. BROADWAY! I feel SO overwhelmed to have performed inches away from the Something Rotten backdrop on the St. James stage and to be surrounded by SO MANY incredible talents. I needed some lead in my shoes cause I was pretty much floating around all night.
After Legally Blonde I did a couple fun little gigs with friends. I was Frankenstein in a Halloween Pop Concert for a city wide event at Springs Preserve. I then returned to my old high school to coach…Continue Reading
Side Show posed a unique struggle in a couple different ways. It was the first show in the small, old Echo Theater with this big of a cast. It was also the first show produced by the newly-formed Utah Rep headed by Johny Hebda. Many responsibilities fell to the cast, so I had the chance to actually choreograph Buddy’s tap number “One Plue One Equals Three.” No promises on it being any good but I had fun doing it!
The new 11 episode, tongue-in-cheek, sci-fi/western series GruntSlingers was my first real exposure to film. I would certainly go back and do some things…Continue Reading
Live at the Loft was a cabaret show I created and operated while attending school at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT. I knew a lot of very talented people so I put together shows to showcase their talent. I booked a venue, scheduled performers, hired musicians and made it happen. It was a nice outlet in a place without many.